Requirement of standard discharge connections for Sludge & Sewage

Requirement of standard discharge connections for Sludge & Sewage

2023-01-10     13:32

Both oil residues (sludge) and sewages collected on board must be delivered to the reception facilities, regularly.

In this regard, there are two types of standard discharge connections. This article mentions the specifications and requirements of this connections based on the MARPOL Convention.

Oil residue standard discharge connection (Annex I/ Reg. 13)

Refer to Reg. 13 of MARPOL Annex I, to enable pipes of reception facilities to be connected with the ship's discharge pipeline for residues from machinery bilges and from oil residue (sludge) tanks, both lines shall be fitted with a standard discharge connection in accordance with the following table:

Requirement of standard discharge connections for Sludge & Sewage

Sewage standard discharge connection (Annex IV / Reg. 10)

To enable pipes of reception facilities to be connected with the ship’s discharge pipeline, both lines shall be fitted with a standard discharge connection in accordance with the following table:

Requirement of standard discharge connections for Sludge & Sewage 

For ships having a molded depth of 5 meters and less, the inner diameter of the discharge connection may be 38 millimeters

Requirement of standard discharge connections for Sludge & Sewage

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Marine Engineer & MarineTopics Journalism
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