TIG Welding (GTAW) Process


Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is a process in which the joining of metals is produced by heating therewith an arc between a tungsten (non-consumable) electrode and the work with a TIG welding machine.

Destructive tests used in the weld verification process


In many standards related to the preparation of welding documents, the destructive tests discussed in this article can be used to verify a WPS. This article provides a brief description of the types of destructive tests used in the WPS & it’s supporting PQR.

Radio personnel requirements


Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for distress and safety radio communication purposes to the satisfaction of its flag administration. (Refer to the STCW Code, chapter IV, Section B-IV/2.) In this article, the Radio personnel requirements based on the shipping sea areas has been discussed.

Ammonia as a marine fuel


Ammonia has attracted wide interest as a source of zero emission fuel for shipping. Ammonia has the key benefit of being easier to store than hydrogen, i.e. nearly identical to propane (LPG) at low pressure under ambient conditions. Hence, the cost of storage per energy unit is significantly cheaper than either hydrogen, electricity in batteries or LNG.

ABS and SpaceX Sign JDP on Remotely Controlled Rocket Recovery Drone Ships


ABS has signed a joint development project (JDP) with SpaceX to review the remotely controlled functions of autonomous rocket recovery drone ships used for booster rocket recovery at sea.

Plans for LNG Bunkering at the Suez Canal are proceeding in Egypt


It is planned for the EGAS company to develop a LNG hub in the Suez Canal. Following a joint venture agreement with Norwegian Confer Shipping and Leth Suez Transit, the company is setting up marine fueling infrastructure by 2025, in addition to building a strategic hub.

Transfer Process Tested to Start German LNG Imports at Lubmin


Testing is underway for the commissioning of Germany’s LNG import operations at the eastern port of Lubmin. Unlike the FSRU operations in the west, which began in December at Wilhelmshaven with financial support from the government, the eastern import operation is being privately funded and developed by Deutsche ReGas.